Dal 18 al 21 Marzo sul sito www.firstitalia.com la prima mostra mercato virtuale del libro antico e raro organizzata dall’ALAI (Associazione Librai Antiquari d’Italia).
Opening time in august 9.30-12.30 e 16.00-19.00
Closed from the 12th to the 18th...
The VIII edition of the MILANO MAP FAIR will be held on saturday, january 18, 2020 at the Hotel Michelangelo, piazza Duca d'Aosta (near Milan Central Station). Opening time 10-18. 27 specialised dealers...
Happy New Year!
We are closed on 29-30-31 december and 1 January. We wish you a happy New Year!...
We are closed from wednesday 14, opening monday 19 of august...
The world's largest Antique Map Fair, established 1980. Saturday 8th June 12.00-19.00 and Sunday 9th June 10.00-18.00. Royal Geographical Society, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2AR. For more information https://www.londonmapfairs.com...
VI Milano Map Fair - january 20, 2018
The VI edition of the Milano Map Fair, the only specialized map fair in Italy, will be held on saturday, january 20, 2018 at the Hotel Michelangelo, piazza Duca d'Aosta (near Milan Central Station). Opening...
V Milano Map Fair - February, 25th 2017
The V edition of the Milano Map Fair, the only specialized map fair in Italy, will be held on saturday, february 25th at the Hotel Michelangelo, piazza Duca d'Aosta (near Milan Central Station). Opening...