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Teatro della Guerra. La Francia divisa in XII prefetture.
Date: Venice,1706
Cod 6442
Matter: geography
4.500,00 €
3 vols. in 8° oblong (200x270 mm); full contemporary vellum, spine with five bands and manuscript title. The iconographic apparatus of this work is beautiful, finely engraved in copper, very rich in decorations such as architecture, putti, symbols of study, compasses, crowned coats of arms, with mottos and allegorical figures. The work presents a total of 306 instead of the 308 plates listed. As always in Father Coronelli's works the collation is never the same or punctual as the index; even in our work there are some differences: in the first part we find a table. 65 bis with another plan and view of Rouen; in the second part the plates are missing. 83 and 84 and the 118 is not Narbonne but Nimes; in the third part, plates 238 and 287 are missing, 291 and 292 are also missing, but replaced by 2 plates. of the battle of Lens, and plate is added. 309 depicting Schlestate, not listed. At the beginning of the first volume there are: frontispiece, vignette with putti holding a coat of arms of the Argonauts, frontispiece with putti, globes and geographical instruments, panel with portrait of Ludovico Magno and allegories, folded portrait of the same, coat of arms with motto; followed by 4 index pages, table with French armorial, followed by 297 views and geographical maps, some of which are folded, large. The Theater of War is a very rare work in forty-eight volumes (but only twenty-seven were released in Venice between 1706 and 1709, even if they bear different indications), description of the States involved in the War of the Spanish Succession, with a few pages of text and many plates (about two thousand). Vincenzo Maria Coronelli considered one of the greatest, most industrious and eclectic Italian cartographers. Born in 1650 of modest origins, he received ecclesiastical education at the order of minor conventuals of San Francesco; he later became Grand General and then obtained the title of cosmographer of the Republic. He was also a public lecturer in geography at the University of Venice and founder, in the same location as the convent of the Friars Minor, of the first geographical association: the Cosmographic Academy of the Argonauts. Having become famous as a mathematician and cosmographer in 1681, he was called to the court of Louis XIV for the construction of two extraordinary and highly refined globes, one terrestrial and one celestial, 4 meters in diameter. His cartographic production consists of around 500 maps, all based on multiple sources which allowed him to enrich the maps with a great deal of information (his toponymic precision is famous) and sometimes to include curiosities and historical events.Many famous geographical works are owed to him: in addition to the Theater of War, of notable importance are the Atlas of Veneto, L'Isolario, Il Corso Universale, Le Singolarità di Venezia, Il libro dei Globes, etc.Armao 66: To France , pars magna in the War of the Spanish Succession and which Coronelli knew well having resided in Paris three years in a row, twelve tometti are consecrated, i.e. three volumes of the collection with almost 300 plates. Like all the volumes of the Theater of War, these from France are rare and the Bibliothéque Nationale in Paris does not possess them; It is very difficult to find a copy with all the tables listed in the index, well ordered and numbered. The best example I know is that of the University Library of Padua, which only lacks the plates of Alsace, Lorraine, and Artesia...which are instead found in one of the specimens of the Marciana which are otherwise incomplete in various parts. Excellent genuine copy in a nice impression on laid paper with water mark with half moon. Minimal marginal and occasional halos especially in the upper corner. East. of the last 10 tables. of the second part. Brittany eyelet restored and reassembled. Armao 66; Vinciana 1339; WorldCat (5 copies).



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