Geographische Abzeichnung der in dem Meisnischen Creiß des Churfürstennthumbs Sachsen liegenden Dioeces oder Superintendtur Grossen Hayn…
Date: Augsburg,1760
Saxony, Grossenhayn
cod 1167
Subject: Saxony, Grossenhayn
230,00 €
Copperplate, original colour, mm 490x575. Beautiful historical map of the electorate Saxony diocese of Grossen Hayn. It has nine partial views surrounding the map including the House Tieffenau, pyramids and military facilities. The area extends from Strehla in the west to Ruhland in the east, and Liebenwerda in the north to Meissen in the south. Decorated with a magnificent cartouche featuring arms, flags and an angel playing a trumpet. Also a mileage scale and a colored Compass Rose.From “Atlas novus” and “Grosser Atlas”. Very good condition. Lotter run then the business using mostly Seutter's plates but adding some new ones also. Seutter, after having worked with Homann in Nuremberg, opened his own activity in Augsburg around 1720. His maps always have elaborate cartouches and are very decorative and printed on good paper. Lotter married Seutter's daughter in 1740 and succeeded him in 1756



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